
Inspiration of my Readers

So it turns out there aren't too many people responding to my questions, though one commenter let me know that he finds his inspiration not only in travel, but in work.
It makes me think of how important it is to find importance in the mundane, the simple things. After all, most of us spend more time in normal world than in travel world. But I'm still going to remember this next time I'm in the middle of some 12-page paper: there is happiness lurking when I can get this hard work behind me!
Enjoy the simple things

- A simple blogger


What is Your Inspiration?

If you follow along, you know by now that the woods and the outdoors excite and guide me! But I've talked to a number of people who find their inspiration in different and much more interesting places than a random mass of trees.
You know what I'm getting at. There has to be a place that you go to where you find the best types of thoughts, where you can really reflect. Maybe it isn't a place, per say, but a hobby, an act, an interesting habit. You find your rhythm and you find your flow, and while your doing this thing or exploring this place maybe you feel inspired! 
So I'd like to hear from you! Where do you go or what do you do that brings you into your rhythm? Do you go for a dip in the pool or through a level of Zelda? Maybe play an instrument or call your grandmother. Hey, it's all about you this time, so I ask,
Where do you find your inspiration?
This guy found inspiration in everything, which is pretty inspirational :)
I'll sort through all of your responses and get back to you with the most popular places among the readers of this blog. I'm sure it'll surprise us all.

- A curious blogger 


A Runthrough of Quaker Grounds

When I drive I look for roads that lead to open yet hidden places, and I call them my favorite roads. One day when I was driving I came across a Westtown Rd., which weaves through forest and quaint homes and a Quaker school's campus. The campus looked to me like a place that was jog-worthy, will all of its scattered, intricate facades and its lot of farmland. There were hills, and fields, and an interesting little town. So I explored.

After my jog, which might have been forty minutes long, I took a long brisk break on the trunk of my car. It turns out that the flock of geese I jogged past were departing just as I arrived, and I got the chance to take a couple shots of their travels that I'd like to share with you.

Ready? GO!

On the right is my silly old antenna.
I thought you might enjoy this little time-lapse. It was really nice to see.
And now that I look at the progression of birds across the sky, it looks like a wave meeting shore.

- A calm blogger


A New Segment!

Now, there's a concept.

There are different types of adventures, right? Swimming, mountain climbing, running around? How about a philosophical adventure every now and again?
Without stirring abroad, One can know the whole world; Without looking out of the window One can see the way of heaven. The further one goes, The less one knows.
Lao Tzu
So. I confront you for a reason!
In another class, I'm required to read the recently written No Impact Man. It's an autobiographical  novel by a man who commits to living for one entire year without having a negative impact on the environment. Within this commitment resides eliminating his and his family's use of plastic/paper products, consuming only locally-grown food, avoiding gas/electric-powered modes of transportation, getting rid of the tv, and all of the tedious nooks and crannies that these commitments manage to reach.
Sounds striking. Well, in addition to the reading, the people in my class are required to partake in our own No Impact Week. We'll be stepping up to daily challenges and committing ourselves to environmentally-friendly practices.

Day 1, Sunday: Focus on consumption. Don't buy anything new.
Day 2: Focus on trash. See if you can make it through the day without creating any waste.
Day 3: Focus on transportation. Walk, bike, or use public for all travel.
Day 4: Focus on energy. Turn off all lights, don't watch TV or use any high-energy devices like dryers and microwaves.
Day 5: Focus on water. Try to limit your use of water, and reuse when possible.
Day 6: Giving back. Find a way to give back to your community.
Day 7: Eco-Sabbath. Unplug and reflect on your environment by detaching yourself from media.

There are a couple of reasons I'm letting you in on this. Firstly, join along! As I read through his journey and his transformation, I learn a lot about the benefits of slower and less-distracted living. He makes it seem so wonderful of an experience, so enriching and enlivening even. So feel more than free to join me and my classmates on this one.
Secondly, because I'll be starting this Sunday and posting daily on my No Impact Blog. Look around; you'll find the tab.

- An adventurous blogger


Subtle Snowiness

After the smallest dusting of snow, it was time to step into nature and take a look around.

The air was just around freezing temperature, and ice crystals were marking their territory on the running water. There was just one other set of footprints on the path, so I knew that only my eyes and another's had seen the beauty that settled in the night before.

vantage point
Silence really sets in when the trees are barren as the dead of winter. Silence is good, though! When I can't hear, I look harder. I notice more as I climb.

fallen tree
There were dozens of fallen trees around me! I could see so many more because there were no leaves to obscure my view. Where the brown earth would usually claim the brown tree bark was instead the contrast of white on mud. Much was lucid that day.

taking a break
When I decided to turn back I was in the midst of thinking of the quote: 
"necessity is the mother of invention."
Whereupon it struck me that this blog is really making a poet out of me.

right on campus!
This adventure courtesy of South Campus!

- A thankful blogger



A new beginning!
Today is the day that my explorations and thoughts confront the interwebs, with hopes of sharing their sense of adventure and peace.
I am a jogger through the woods and an indulger in assorted knowledge, and this blog will be a place for unloading these findings in both pictures and reflection onto anyone from the eager reader to the bored pacifist.
Stop by every now and then for a photograph of my adventures and a prose of the wonder I find in each and every pursuit!

- A friendly blogger