
Subtle Snowiness

After the smallest dusting of snow, it was time to step into nature and take a look around.

The air was just around freezing temperature, and ice crystals were marking their territory on the running water. There was just one other set of footprints on the path, so I knew that only my eyes and another's had seen the beauty that settled in the night before.

vantage point
Silence really sets in when the trees are barren as the dead of winter. Silence is good, though! When I can't hear, I look harder. I notice more as I climb.

fallen tree
There were dozens of fallen trees around me! I could see so many more because there were no leaves to obscure my view. Where the brown earth would usually claim the brown tree bark was instead the contrast of white on mud. Much was lucid that day.

taking a break
When I decided to turn back I was in the midst of thinking of the quote: 
"necessity is the mother of invention."
Whereupon it struck me that this blog is really making a poet out of me.

right on campus!
This adventure courtesy of South Campus!

- A thankful blogger



A new beginning!
Today is the day that my explorations and thoughts confront the interwebs, with hopes of sharing their sense of adventure and peace.
I am a jogger through the woods and an indulger in assorted knowledge, and this blog will be a place for unloading these findings in both pictures and reflection onto anyone from the eager reader to the bored pacifist.
Stop by every now and then for a photograph of my adventures and a prose of the wonder I find in each and every pursuit!

- A friendly blogger